Keep It Kaimuki Saturday Line Up

This is just another annual event that we refuse to not host just because of the strange times we are living in...SO...this year, WE ARE GOING VIRTUAL!
If you're familiar with our Saturday Markets, this is the SAME format only we will be streaming from @keepitkaimuki
We will start at 10AM and go live on the top of each hour with a new batch of Kaimuki-based small businesses. Since this live will be ALL day, we decided to share the line up with you all so you can schedule when you want to tune in :) Per usual, these virtual events is where you can get exclusive deals and help support local businesses in our FAVORITE area.
At the conclusion of the day, join us virtually for a very special Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at the top of the hill. We will learn about KBPA (Kaimuki Business & Professional Association) who is in charge of lighting the iconic giant Christmas Tree each year.
Thanks again EVERYONE for the continued support of us and all the other local small businesses. We are wishing you the most lovely Thanksgiving. Stay safe and we can't wait to see you online.
TT Team